In a world of fast-moving, short-lived trends, we want to bring the importance of quality and the appreciation of true craftsmanship back into everyone’s consciousness. We provide handmade and fairly produced outdoor furniture, with only the highest quality and design standards.
We produce for private customers as well as renowned partners from the hotel industry, gastronomy and cruise-liner sector. We do the basics differently and provide solutions for those who share our values: responsibility, attention to detail and uncompromising quality.
Quality & Design
BLOOM products are designed for long-term use. Our designs are modern, timeless and are carefully handcrafted by master-weavers in our own production facility. Our highest quality materials are recyclable, weather resistant to rain, frost, snow and are 100% UV-resistant.

We manufacture exclusively on-demand and this gives you maximum flexibility as our lack of rigid mass production processes means you can choose from a wide selection of fabrics, colours and weave patterns.
& Fair Prices
We think that high quality products manufactured under fair conditions, should be accessible to as many people as possible. Thanks to our business model, we remove costs normally associated with traditional trading methods such as warehousing, importing and worldwide transport to a global network of dealers. This way we can offer you our exclusive outdoor furniture at easily affordable prices.

The unique thing about us is that design, production and distribution are all on the same side of the coin. This is why we provide the best advice and most comprehensive service.
Climate change affects us all: Every person and every company.
Therefore, it is our duty to play our part in protecting the environment and natural resources.

Thanks to on-demand production & direct sales, we can efficiently plan our overseas transports. This enables us to keep our carbon footprint to an absolute minimum.

BLOOM Outdoor furniture is designed for long-lasting use. However, should a repair become necessary, we will take care of it because repair is the “new new”. That, too, means sustainability.
Harald Bold, Founder
Sarah Hättich, Founder

help themselves
After numerous discussions with the locals and our staff on the ground, it became clear that helping people to help themselves by providing education is the best way to bring about lasting and sustainable change for the better for these children.
For this reason, we decided to found Budhi Sarasvati.
In addition to paying the annual school fees, our aid project is also supported by voluntary financial donations from people who would like to help. We are especially pleased when such supporters decide to personally sponsor one or more of the children. Each sponsor accompanies their child for the entire six years of primary school.

Many sponsors have already met Sarah Hattich during her regular visits to the school and have met the children. These visits are a special event for both the children and the adults. Because in this remote village, an international visitor is something extraordinary.
BLOOM was founded by two Germans, Sarah Hättich & Harald Bold, in Indonesia. Today, we operate as an international company that has retained its original family roots. Thanks to our own production facilities, we ensure good working conditions and fair wages.

Our close ties to Indonesia are deeply rooted in our company. We are committed to providing additional opportunities through training, as well as being heavily involved in social and community issues.
Our Team



Object consultant/Customer consultant

Customer Consultant

Logistics Manager


Customer Consultant

Managing Director BLOOM Dubai

Upit Susan
Factory Director

Anggie Kaniasari - Lusy Yuliana - Tri Wahyuni
Accounting and Finance Team

Shopfloor Manager

PPIC Manager

Sheila Isnaili
Assistant PPIC Manager

Mukhamad Safrudin - Imam Muhammad Jainuri - Andhika Yanuar Prasetyo - Solkin Sapto Puspito - Sri Winda Utami
RND Team

Satriadi Basuki - Hiddayah Mawardiana - Yuyud Setiawan - M Andar Muda
3D Artist Team

Puspita Alficah
HR Manager

Muhammad Ali Fikri
Assistant HR Manager

Anggoro Jati Wibowo
Export Import Shipping

Marina Ganesa
Purchasing Manager

Menik Dina
Purchasing Manager

Mayza Olivia
Assistant Purchasing

Ardian Vicky
Assistant Shopfloor Manager

Michael Aji

Diana Asen
Business Development Manager

Showroom Manager Bali
We focus our social commitment on the Budhi Sarasvati aid project which we set up in 2009. It enables children in the small village of Menyali, in the north of the Indonesian island of Bali, to attend school. Through this project, we finance the children's attendance at primary school and thus lay an existential foundation for a better life.
During our time in Indonesia, we have seen with our own eyes over the years that many children do not have the opportunity to learn how to read, write or calculate arithmetic. Their parents usually work as day labourers for a low wage on the rice and fruit plantations and cannot afford the school fees, uniforms and books. This leaves their education and thus the chance of a self-determined future, heavily in the balance.